Friday, September 6, 2019

Cooking - Sauce Essay Example for Free

Cooking Sauce Essay Choose the most appropriate answer for each question.Shade your choice on the Objective Answer Sheet. 1. Egg whites will whip up into a better foam if a) they are at room temperature b) they are well chilled c) they have small amount of baking soda added to them d) they have small amount of oil added to them 2. Which of the following combination is incorrect ? a) Cinnamon-bank b) Cumin-seed c) Marjoram-root d) Clove-bud 3. Potato is a a) starch b) vegetables c) both a and b d) neither a nor b 4. Which of the following terms is associated with broiling? a) low heat b) tender food items c) slow d) all of the above 5. Deglazing takes place after a) broiling b) grilling c) deep-frying d) sautà ©ing 6. Which of the following might produce a cloudy stock? a) Using the fresh bone b) Covering the pot c) Skimming frequently d) Simmering gently 7. ____________are made from forcemeats of poultry or game wrapped in the skin of the bird and poached in an appropriate stock. a) Quenelles b) Pate c) Terrine d) Gelatine 8. When making mayonnaise,it is essential to ____________. a) Beat the egg yolks well in a bowl b) Have all the ingredients as cold as possible c) Use highly flavoured ingredients d) Add the boil all at once 9. The_________ of a slice of meat determines its cooking time. a) thickness b) grade c) weight d) age 10. Which of the following thick soups are most likely to contain seafood? a) cream soup b) purees c) bisque d) potages 11. Vegetables are least likely to be__________ . a) poached b) braised c) boiled d) deep fried 12. _________ can protect a roast from drying while cooking. a) cooking it fat side up b) barding c) larding d) all of the above 13. To make a white roux with 250gm of butter,you will need a) 500 ml cornstarch b) 125 gm flour c) 250 ml flour d) 250 gm flour e) 14. Which of the following is not a function of fats in baked goods? a) to give firmness to the structure b) to add moistness c) to give crust color d) to increase product qualities 15. Artichokes and asparagus are considered as a) cabbage family b) shoots c) leafy vegetables d) onion family 16. A liaison is added to a sauce __________. a) at any time during cooking b) at the beginning of cooking c) just before the sauce is reduced d) at the end of cooking 17. Which of the following is least likely to be found in a sachet? a) bay leaf b) garlic c) peppercorn d) dried thyme 18. A prawn is a ___________. a) large shrimp b) green shrimp c) crustacean d) both a and c 19. Which of the following would generally not to be served with fish a) caper sauce b) lemon butter sauce c) demi glace d) tartare sauce 20. Which is the best answer that describes the effects of heat to food composition i. Proteins coagulate ii. Sugar caramelize iii. Water evaporates iv. Fat solidify v. Starches gelatinized a) i only b) i and ii only c) i,ii,iii and v d) all the above PART B TRUE AND FALSE Shade the letter ‘T’ if the statement is True and ‘F’ if the statement is False on the True/False Answer Sheet. 1. Bones that are exposed to air during cooking will turn dark and this will discolour the stock. 2. Broth and bouillon refer to simple,clear soups without solid ingredients. 3. Low temperature produces the best cooked eggs. 4. Yeast is a non living microscopic plant. 5. A heavy whipping cream has a fat content between 36%-40%. 6. In standard breading procedure moist items should be held longer before to extract moisture. 7. Red snapper is a type of fresh water fish. 8. Hard cheeses,such as parmesan can be grated easily. 9. A squab is a young pigeon with light and tender meat. 10. Marbling separates muscle fibers making them easier to chew. 11. The market form of whole fish usually has had the viscera removed. 12. All kind of scraps can be used in stocks at all time with no exception. 13. Rigor mortises is the stiffness in an animals muscles,due to chemical changes in the flesh. 14. The compound that colors red vegetables red is carotenoids. 15. The neck and back of a chicken is the best bones for stock making. 16. A classical Tomato Sauce is made with roux. 17. In order to obtain the maximum volume from whipped eggs white,all traces of fat must be eliminated. 18. The term dressing also refers to â€Å"food stuff† that is baked separately. 19. The chef cold larder supervises the cold meat department and breading of meats,fish and seafood. 20. Whole spices take shorter time to release its flavour. PART D SHORT ESSAY Answer ALL questions. QUESTION 1 Explain why sauces that are finished with butter must be served immediately. The sauce should then be served immediately if it is allowed to stand,the butter may separate. QUESTION 2 Name and explain the three(3) ingredients that made up a sauce. -A liquid ,which is the body of the sauce. -A thickening agent -An additional seasoning and flavouring ingredients. QUESTION 3 Names the five(5) important parts of meat tenderloin and briefly describe the characteristics of the meat. 1-chateaubriand 2-fillets 3-tornedos 4-fillet migaou 5-goulash QUESTION 4 Give the definitions of herbs and spices.Name four(4) spices and four(4) herbs that are commonly used in cookery. Herbs are the leaves of certain plants used in flavouring.The examples of herbs are thymes,bay leaves,rosemary and basil. Spices are any part of plant,other than that,the leaves used in flavouring.The examples of spices are celery seeds,cumin seeds,caraway seeds and cloves. QUESTION 5 List the four(4) basic ingredients of clear meat. i. Lean ground meat ii. Egg white iii. Mirepoix iv. Acid ingredients QUESTION 6 What is different between marbling and barding? Marbling is fat deposited within muscle tissue while barding is tying slices of fat over the surface of meat to protect them while roasting.

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