Monday, September 9, 2019

Should celebrities who break the law face stricker penalties Research Paper

Should celebrities who break the law face stricker penalties - Research Paper Example Because they are idolized by young people and many of them appear to make a habit of crossing the line, the government should consider handing out more stringent punishments for law-breaking celebrities. Lindsay Lohan entered the limelight as a child fashion model at the age of three. She is best known for her roles in movies such as Herbie, Mean Girls and the remakes of The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. Lohan became a household name because of how well she played goodie-girl-next-door roles. Sadly, Lohan has also become popular due to the number of times she has been asked to appear in court for drinking and driving and other acts of misdemeanor. From May 26, 2007 when she was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) the first time, Lohan had been arrested a second time for DUI and another time for stealing a necklace at a store. (Kunkle, A., 2011) There has also been multiple probation periods served and several fines and bail fees paid. Lohan’s face crying at a heari ng or sitting inside a courtroom with her attorney has been on newspapers, TV and the Internet. Indeed, a celebrity who gets himself or herself tied up with the law makes the newspapers sell. When she played the role of twins in The Parent Trap, Lohan was â€Å"the adorable redhead... who won a Young Artist Award† (James) for the movie. She was a smart, bubbly and talented girl who would have been a very good and influential role model to young people. Most of her characters in her movies are that of a sweet and responsible teenager who always did the right things or learned from her mistakes. Her audience used to adore her. They felt good after watching her movies. Sadly, this has not been the case since 2007. According to Sherry Gaba (2011), a life coach, â€Å"teens not only mimic the clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics celebrities use, but now increasingly see addiction as glamorous.† Because they are celebrities, the media grabs at any opportunity to feature stars lik e Lohan, thinking the hot news will sell more newspapers, etc. What it is actually doing is telling the younger audience, especially those who are very impressionable, that doing drugs or driving under the influence will get you on a TV show or will make people talk about you. Social media has such a powerful effect on the public. Indeed, it is only prudent that when celebrities such as Lohan commit an offense, the media show them being rightly punished and made to serve the punishment, not just have the option to pay fines or bail fees. Another important reason why stricter penalties would be advisable for celebrities is because they themselves do not seem to take existing rules very seriously. Whenever a celebrity is caught committing illegalities, the celebrity’s lawyer is quick to negotiate a way out for his/her client. Because of this, celebrities feel they can just pay their way every time they are caught. Lohan, for example, has appeared in court 20 times, violated her probation 4 times and was allowed to just spend 35 days at her home to relieve jail overcrowding. (Duke) Lohan had been fitted with an electronic bracelet to monitor her movements while on probation, gone to rehab numerous times, failed drug tests several times and had also posted bail, totalling to a $475,000. (Duke) The public has questioned why

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