Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saving Time Essay Example for Free

Saving Time Essay Time management determines by the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. Successful people are able to balance the goals they wish to achieve and duties. And this success comes from their ability to their time optimally in light of their objectives. There are two types in our lives: Type I: A difficult time organizing, or managing how much time we spend in our basic needs such as eating, comfort, family relations and social mission. It is a time cannot use it a lot in what has been designated a degree of importance to keeping equilibrium in our life. Type II: Time that can be organized and managed to devote to work, our own lives. Can we take advantage of this time? Can we optimize our productivity? Before I give some advices for time management. I have to describe some of the reasons wasting time. Time wasting is defined as: all that prevents you from effectively achieve your goals. Planning: means the lack of goals and priorities, Overemphasis on priorities, leave the activity before the expiry of it, the lack of a deadline for the completion, trying to accomplish too much at one time. Organization: Disorganization Profile, do the job more than once, repeated efforts without result, the lack of clarity of the authority and responsibility, there is more than one president for one employee. Employment: Problems for staff, untrained staff and Non-appropriate, rehabilitation higher or lower than desired. Implementation: The desire to complete the work alone, a decrease in the level of stimulus, Inability to manage conflict. Control: The absence of regulatory standards, the absence of administrative efficiency. Communications: Lack of communication clarity vertical and horizontal, no organization meetings, misunderstandings. Decision-making: Postponement, Poor decisions. Humans are not able to organize their time without clear goals, plans and priorities. Planning is forward looking, work oriented . The future, that is, it begins with setting the access point, Then draw the way leading up to this point. Doing the work program (notebook) to achieve your goals at short (one year, for example) stating the business tasks and responsibilities that will accomplish, and the dates of the beginning and the end of completion, and timing of personaletc. Here are some points to help us develop saving time: -Type the reason that leads to the loss of your time. Number of problems usually caused by wasting time. Stop using fake excuses such as the need for more information. A day contains twenty-four hours and this is enough for others to manage large enterprises, but for some it is not enough to manage simple, taking advantage of the time determines the difference between success and failure. Success means achieving a balance between the objectives and duties required under the means available, and so through time management or other self-management. Concerning the time at work, there are many employees come to the meetings or the office just for wasting the time, and wasting other people’s time. Working too many hours, or be present in all meetings doesn’t justify the quality of work. According to Robert C. Pozen (June 15, 2012),’’be prepared to say no to requests that don’t matter ‘’ (Stop Working All Those Hours). And it is good to saving time if we: Decline meeting: means do not accept to be in meetings and explain the workload and request to see the meeting’s ones. Also delete emails: not all of them. But only keep and respond to the most important ones. Finally dial down the effort: means if we cannot say ‘’no’’ to a certain request, recognize that it may only require a B+ effort. It’s not easy to save time at work because there are some factors affecting time as: Pressure by superiors, Pressures of work on the part of subordinates, Pressure resulting from the nature and conditions of work, Pressure resulting from planning, Pressures resulting from organization, Pressure regulator. According to Alex Chris, (October 24, 2012), ‘’there are 9 ways to manage the time at work: -write in a piece of paper. -concentrate on the important activities -find productive time. -do not postpone things for later. -start a job and finish it without interruption. -delegate jobs to other people. -schedule a communication. -organize the office. ’’(www. manageyourlifenow. com). Sometimes we need rest and break to achieve the goal, so what we do is close the computer, close the phone, shut down the TV or anything that makes noise. Take a short nap. That gives more energy for every day. Also sleeping at night is better. What I understood from these ways is if we want to manage our time well, we have to look for efficacy and efficiencies. Efficacy: to perform work properly and reach the desired result. Efficiency: the performance of work in the right way and getting to the desired result, but with minimal effort, time and cost. we need to profit and Exploit marginal times, times between commitments and actions (such as: the use of the car, waiting at the doctor, travel, waiting for meals, expected visitors). We must know How we spend time, then decompose and identify times marginal, and develop a plan of operation to benefit them as much as possible. Also do not give up urgent for the things unnecessary. According to Cameron Chapman ’’bellow are sixteen tips to help us better managing our time: 1) Get organized. 2) Separate work Space from Everything-Else Space. 3) Take advantage of time management tools. 4) Set goals. 5) Set deadlines. 6) Plane Ahead. 7) Prioritize. 8) Delegate or outsource. 9) Optimize your processes. 10) Learn to say ‘’no’’. 11) Learn when you work beast. 12) Set regular working hours. 13) Don’t waste time 14) Avoid multitasking. 15) Take frequent breaks. 16) Maintain. ’’ Set deadlines are very important if we want to stop procrastination, so we can make a schedule with clear due dates then follow the calendar. We understand from these tips that Time is precious. Therefore, we must profit from time as well as we can, properly, and ultimately there are a few tips, as some scientists say helps us very wiling example: Focus on the target at all times , know our goal, be aware of our goal and then we will feel accomplishment when we complete each task, remember what seeks clearly in our mind, we will realize then that it is necessary to work hard to get things done. Also Keep our mental and physical health, it is necessary to do the best delivery systems and our time for a better life, it leads to good health and the life of the organization, we need for good health to enjoy the achievements should also be good. Nothing is more important than our health, keeping our self in good health gives us energy, endurance, and also makes us more open-minded and less tense, and exercise make us think better (Sports Life). Be an observer on our self, and the easiest way to develop self-motivation is to keep a clear vision of our goal all the time, the goal is the reason for doing what we do now, Always remember the goal, nothing is seeking to achieve, in order to give us the fuel needed to overcome the difficulties. References Article ‘’ stop working all those hours’’ by Robert C. Pozen, June 15, 2012. Harvard Business Review. 9 Ways to manage your time at work. By Alex Chris, October 24, 2012. www. manageyourlifenow. com Alex is editor-in-chief of manageyourlifenow. com SMASHING MAGAZINE: How To Find Time For†¦Everything! By Cameron Chapman, September 16th, 2009. www. smashingmagazine. com

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