Monday, September 16, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana: Should be Approved? Essay

American people have debated over the legalization of marijuana for many years. This discussion is an example of how the united states have struggled to reach an agreement about the use of marijuana. In recent year’s drug policy have been increasingly challenged, especially in America. In the United States a group of nearly twenty states has allowed the medical use of marijuana, even though neither the federal government nor the United Nations Convention recognize that marijuana has medical uses. In the election of November 2012, Washington State passed a referendum, and Colorado an amendment to its Constitution, which allow the recreational use of marijuana. A result of the legalization of recreational use in Denver, Colorado, have entered more than $ 1.2 million with a mechanism for maximum sales per consumer than an ounce profit status, worth $ 200, a strategy that is used to regulate the individual consumption. For instance, according to Jacob Sullum (2013), author of The Cannabis Is Out Of The bag, â€Å"People 21 or older already are allowed to possess up to an ounce of marijuana.† Nowadays Marijuana users in the United States may finally, starting this January 1, legally have it for recreational purposes in two states in the West, Washington and Colorado. Probably the most controversial news until today is that many companies would begin to distribute marijuana in vending machines as if they were sodas this will be addressed to the public who use marijuana for medical purposes, a patient with a serious medical condition that approaches a vending machine to get a dose of marijuana to cope better with certain symptoms of their disease or treatment is an increasingly common act thanks to the progress achieved by the automatic distribution. But you can still go further. Hence Smart Ventures, a company that invests in mining projects in medical marijuana and playful side, has signed an agreement with Mobile Vending, dedicated to developing mobile technology for control of vending .The objective of this joint venture is to expand and renovate the distribution process with the latest equipment and advanced techniques of identification in order to cash in on the recent legalization of marijuana  and the resulting high demand in the state of Colorado. Both formulas will drive new technology payments and cashless biometric identification methods, either through credit cards, electronic wallets and mobile payment. The new company is called Cannabis Funding Group, Inc. and is now a subsidiary of activity as Smart Ventures. One person who is clearly opposed to medical marijuana is Scott M, Arden. He suggests that there is no incentive to fund clinical trials nor advocate the use of marijuana for medical purposes. he expressed her views in the article †Å"Clinician Reviews† journal. For instance, he says, The negative side effects of medical marijuana pale in comparison to the laundry list associated with numerous prescription drugs that are FDA approved—not to mention tobacco and alcohol, much more addictive products on the market that possess no medicinal value, only detrimental. Additionally, currently available pain medications have been proven highly addictive, and their use and proliferation have led to an epidemic of chemical dependence and related crime. If the big players in the industry had significant potential gains from medical marijuana, it would have been legalized at the federal level years ago. What Scott M. Arden is saying is that it makes no sense the idea of medical marijuana. So, obviously that it will be the same as with the other drugs on the market that are addictive. There are some people who think that more states should legalize at least medical marijuana for the people who really need it. One of the strong supporters of medical marijuana is Karen Bender. She is sure that with additional research medical marijuana may benefit many people. In fact, she says, â€Å"Medical marijuana, like prescribed drugs, may benefit people with MS†. What bender means is that, if the American government is willing to continue prohibiting medical marijuana, American people would never know if is the right thing to do. It is simply means that laboratories and people specialized in the field of medical marijuana should do more research to determine the good things about it and the bad things and how will affect society. Second, another controversial reason to support or oppose legalization of marijuana is based in the economics of execution. Legalizing marijuana will save the government $ 41.3 billion a year in law-enforcement and generate $ 46.7 billion in tax according to The Libertarian Cato Institute but Chris Kennedy a spokesman of the journal â€Å"NEWSWEEK† tells that â€Å"all of our scholars definitely support an end to drug  prohibition.† He thinks that instead of prohibiting marijuana government should legalized it, according to The Libertarian Cato Institute. It is simply means that legalizing marijuana is the best thing to do for economic reasons, that’s why there’s so many controver sy in the economic execution, too much money involved. There are not many people, who support the legalization of marijuana, mostly because they think is not going to help American economy. Most people care about the national security because of terrorists and drug dealers. One person who clearly opposes legalization of marijuana is Pat Buchanan, an advisor to presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan , he sure believes American people is financing terrorists and drug dealers. He expressed his opinion in â€Å"NEWSWEEK† journal. For instance, he says, How does one win a drug war when millions of Americans who use recreational drugs are financing the cartels bribing, murdering, and beheading to win the war and keep self-indulgent Americans supplied with drugs? There are two sure ways to end this war swiftly. Milton’s way and Mao’s way. Mao Zedong’s communists killed users and suppliers alike, as social parasites. Milton Friedman’s way is to decriminalize drugs and call off the war. What Buchanan is really talki ng about is that most Americans are supporting and financing the cartels, and that Americans are arguing at the same time for the security when they are the cause of drug cartels having power, that’s why criminals continue enriching illicitly. There are not that many politicians who support the legalization of marijuana. One politician who supports the legalization of marijuana is Tom Tancredo who was running for governor of Colorado on the constitution party ticket. He declares that marijuana should be (Legalize it. Regulate it. Tax it) He expressed his opinion in â€Å"NEWSWEEK† journal. For instance, he says, With regard to marijuana, I have no plans to push for its legalization. I simply believe that taking money away from the drug cartels, taking the incentive out of pushing marijuana to kids by imposing the most serious penalties possible on those who do so, focusing our resources on stopping illegal aliens and hard drugs from entering the country, and reducing t he corruption now eating away at our law-enforcement establishment has merit and deserves to be debated. Another main argument has to deal with the Mexican border. There is another politician who supports the legalization of marijuana. It’s Grover Norquist, president of Americas for tax reform, he declares that the legalization of marijuana will  end with drug cartels. For instance, he says, First, there is the mess that is Mexico. Narcoterrorism is made possible by our drug prohibition in the U.S. Then there is the cost of incarceration, Proposition 19 has the opportunity to be the domino that could bring about rational drug policy nationwide. What Norquist is really taking about is that next vote in California for or against Proposition 19, which seeks to legalize the use, distribution and sale of marijuana has led, in the United States and Mexico, a debate on the legalization of drugs. Proposition 19 also plans to allow the cultivation of marijuana by adults in an area not exceeding 25 square feet in their homes and allowed local governments to regulate and collect taxes on commercial production and distribution of the drug. The Uni ted Nations (UN) estimates that one third of the cannabis consumed in the U.S. is produced domestically. Under the new laws of legalization, marijuana stores should produce their own cannabis, and will take several months for some power to make its first crop of recreational marijuana. $ 600 million annual leave year the sale of marijuana in Colorado. A study by Colorado State University estimated that the market for legal marijuana state will be about 600 million dollars annually and generate about $ 130 million in new taxes. The study also estimated that Colorado residents consume about 100 grams of marijuana per capita annually, under the new rules. One person who clearly declares that combating drugs is not the way to solve all problems related with drugs as violence, is James A. Inciardi, a director of the center for drug and alcohol studies. He expressed his views in the book, The Drug Legalization Debate. For instance, he says, â€Å"War on Drugs† is not the answers to the many problems of drug abuse in this country. I reach this conclusion by observing that during the entire time the country has been at war against drugs there has been no attempt in any administration to place the federal agencies and the American people on a wartime status. There are several characteristics of a country at war that have not been met. Although it is very obvious for most people, Legalization is not a magic formula to end violence, it may resolve other serious problems in the country but it is a necessary step in the right direction for a new paradigm that means more security. Marijuana it’s not the illegal drug that leaves more profit, but it is the most trafficked and consumed in the world. The blow to organized crime by removing these revenues vary, according to estimates, 15% to 60% of  the â€Å"profits† of t he drug. The opinion of the people in this area is very diverse, from which there are radically opposed to it until its legalization there are supporters unconditionally. These views depend on many factors, such as age, as the person it’s older the more is opposed to the legalization of these substances, another factor that determines a lot is its political ideology. The people on the left political side tend to approve the legalization of these drugs and the right side tends to reject it, it also depends on the sex gender, men usually supports more its legalization. Also people are influenced by the fact that they tried the drug before. Most of the people who have tried the drug before tend to support the legalization of marijuana. Legalizing cannabis would have the advantage that we can all imagine, a greater product quality, if we smoke or use marijuana as this should not be adulterated because going through some health checks, a much lower cost, as there would be many intermediaries as there are now and also end with the black market and drug trafficking networks. While many of these benefits would not be such, because, for example the black market and drug trafficking networks would not disappear, but still try to sell the cheapest product to make the competition to the government. The failure of prohibitionist and punitive strategy against illicit drugs, we still see an overview of production and consumption worse than in the beginning. It is necessary to create useful tools to combat drug use, which must be accompanied by a more flexible-but not libertarian-use and production perspective. Works cited Conant, Eve. â€Å"Pot and the GOP.† Newsweek 1 Nov. 2010: Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Sullum, Jacob. â€Å"The Cannabis Is Out Of The Bag: Why Prohibitionists Have an Interest in Allowing Marijuana Legalization.† Reason Aug.-Sept. 2013: 12. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. Arden, Scott M., and Meg Helgert. â€Å"Opposing Views of Medical Marijuana.† Clinician Reviews Apr. 2011: 2. Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Bender, Karen. â€Å"More Support for Medicinal Marijuana.† Momentum Spring 2011: Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Inciardi, James A. The Drug Legalization Debate. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. Print.

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